Monday, November 19, 2012

Blog Advertising
Galina Rolf

                What is advertising media? Advertising is a word that describes the form of communication in which persuasion is used to convince a target population or populations to buy goods, products or services.  Advertising can be dated back to the middle ages but it is hard to believe that civilizations such as the Egyptians or the Romans as advanced as they were in other areas did not advertise.  I am primarily interested in advertising in the United States in the last two hundred years because advertising is so important and so prevalent in modern society that there is both a positive and a negative effect on modern society.  

Consumption of goods and services is good for a free market society.  If advertising assists in the creation of profits for companies it ultimately helps the economy.  Advertising has changed our economy and society in many positive ways.  First, prior to the twentieth century the producers or manufacturers drove the buying in the economy.   The use of advertising increased a demand for new products and allowed for the recovery of production costs quickly. Therefore the economy saw a shift from producer-driven buying to consumer-driven economy. Second, advertising helped promote technological advances. Just fifty years ago when new technology was introduced to the public many consumer felt it was prudent to wait to see if there were adjustments that needed to be made to the product.  The consumers now want the latest and newest technology has to offer. An example would be the Samsung Commercial which shows the two men touching phones to exchange play lists while there are hundreds waiting for the Apple 5 trying to get the “newest thing”.  Cars are not only being sold by gas mileage and mechanical soundness but by a radio with hands on and voice activated phone capabilities. The advertising guru’s have done a wonderful job convincing the population that they need the newest in technology.

Another type of advertising that affects American society including its government is political advertisements.  Prior to World War II the Federal Government bought blocks of advertising space to encourage the US’s entrance into World War II.  Political advertisements can affect who is leading our country and who is not.  I worry that the winner of elections will be the candidate that has the most money in advertisements.  The Political Ad can be slanted to meet the needs of the candidate paying for them.  You would hope that the Ad’s are true however many are an embellishment or twisting of the truth.  I think that there should be a bi-partisan committee that checks the reliability of the Ads.  If not our society is being influenced by the Ad’s that spin the best propaganda.

Another negative result of advertising is the advertising targeting teenagers and children.  We are fighting a health war in our country.  We have many children who are obese and not active.  These children are targeted by the manufacturers of sugary cereals and snacks.  They are targeted by the manufacturers of sedentary electronic games.  They are also targeted by fast food chains that serve fatty, unhealthy, foods.  In the documentary Supersize Me (Spurlock, 2004) children shown the pictures of the President, Jesus, and Ronald McDonald were overwhelmingly able to identify Ronald McDonald than a picture of Jesus or the President.

Teenagers and young adults have also been targeted by companies that manufacture products that pose a health risk.  Alcohol and cigarettes are two of the products that targeted specific groups even though the health risks are high.  In 1971 under pressure from Congress and the FCC the cigarette advertisements were banned on television.  The Marlboro man who portrayed cigarette smokers as a rough, handsome virile man was a thing of the pass.  Virginia Slims was a brand that targeted young independent women.  Finally Camel Joe, even though not on TV, was the spokes camel for the cigarettes camel. He wore contemporary clothes and was a cartoon character. After a loss in court against a cigarette manufacturer not only was the plaintiff awarded financial damages but part of the settlement prohibited cartoons to be cigarette mascots and marketing could not include free sample give aways or tobacco brand clothing. This settlement also prohibited outdoor billboard advertisement and transit advertisement.  Globally tobacco manufacturers have no such restrictions.

   Advertising has forms, from classified ads, business to business, political ads, TV. Radio, and the newest for of advertising, the internet.  The internet is effective and inexpensive.  The internet has the potential to collect information about target populations that some consider an invasion of privacy.  Social networking not only provides a new stage for advertising it provides critical information to companies which can be collected for free.  The internet allows companies to distribute coupon, run mini commercials and plaster their name in screen after screen.  Ad’s are in email, twitter, even academic research sites. I think that all will recognize that internet advertising is here to stay. Ads that guides by giving detailed information to specific items and products. Advertising in general had had a profound effect on our lives.  It influences even the laws that we pass and the politicians that we elect.  The FCC and congress do have limited controls over the advertising media.  The question we should ask ourselves is when is protection from abuses in advertising necessary and when is that protection a violation of our first amendment rights? When we discover the answer to this question we will solve many of the negative aspects of advertising media.


Monday, November 5, 2012



Galina Rolf

What are films and movies?  Films are a series of pictures and images that look like    movement when passed through a projector. It is the camera that records the actions of the film participants. The viewers are given the impression that they are not only seeing movement but that they are observers, even participants in a story or event that the camera has captured.  It is difficult to believe that strips of celluloid can record current events that are actually historical events like the Zapruder film.  The Zapruder film recorded the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  Not only was the assassination of one of our Presidents caught on film but major weather events such as Hurricane Katrina and very recently Hurricane Sandy has been recorded as well.  There are not only tragic events that have been filmed but events that are beautiful and romantic such as the wedding of Prince William and his wife to be Katie.  Wars, fires, death, destruction, weddings, criminal trials even the birth of babies are recorded although no longer on celluloid. Technology has progressed, the quality of our recordings has progressed, and the equipment used to record our history and memories has progressed. Not only are films recordings of history while it is being made, it is also a medium used to preserve our literature.  To Kill a Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, and 1984 have all been made into movies.  There are also many movies that are made from plots developed by screen writers.  This medium has served as a creative outlet for many of our brightest and most talented artists.

The History:
An invention with as much influence as movies and films is usually not created by just one individual but many people.  The idea of a device that could reproduce reality was first theorized by Leonardo DaVinci in the late 1400s. In the early 1800’s the inventions of the thaumatrope and the zoetrope illustrated how images could be made to simulate movement. In the late 1800’s Hannibal Goodwin invented Celluloid the material used to develop film. Finally, Thomas Edison, the American inventor of the  light bulb,  is given credit for the invention of the motion picture and sound recordings. Edison lost interest in combining sound recording with moving images but he directed one of his assistants, to combine the light bulb, celluloid, and  the camera to produce a movie camera.  The result was the Kinetograph, a motion picture camera. Next, brothers Louis and Auguste Lumiere developed the Cinematograph which combined camera, film, and projector.  Once again Edison became interested in moving pictures.  He developed the vitascope, this invention enabled films to be projected for longer periods of time without interruption. There was an actual showing of waves rolling on a beach and parts of a boxing match shown in New York at the end of the 1800’s.
Edison's Greatest Marvel: The Vitascope | American History Lives at ...
            Movies Throughout the Generations: The development of films has had an extraordinary affect on our culture, mores and norms.  The films of each generation also reflect the values of that particular generation.  The movie, From Here to Eternity for example had to hint at the fact that two unmarried individuals had sex on a beach.  Just as soon as the camera fades the audience is sure that the couple is doomed for their sins.  Star Wars was an example of the technological advances that had been accommplished in the film industry.That was not the only significance of Star Wars the movie reaffirmed the support and need for Space Program at Nasa.  Norma Ray was a movie that endorsed the rights of factory workers to unionize and demand better working conditions.  Another affect that this movie had on the American public is that it identified the women as part of the work force that requires their voices to be heard. Movies became the medium to express our political, social, moral and views.
            Movies gives individuals the opportunity to life in another person’s shoes, to experience another’s culture, and to understand the barriers in their lives to keep them from obtaining successes. For instance, West Side Story, gives average Americans a peek into the lives of the Hispanic American, their challenges and trials as they attempt to fit into a culture that is not accepting of their differences. It is important that people who watch movies recognize that many screen writers use this medium to promote their own values and opinions.  Just as in research it is important that you consider the source and the purpose of the research when a movie is watched it is important to determine what is fact, fiction and opinion.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Music industry

Galina Rolf

Music of the Arts

The music Industry has succeeded economically regardless of the economy.  Music appears to be an important part of most individual’s lives regardless of their place in society.  Most people will agree that music has been a faithful companion throughout many lifetimes. Music is the heart of the arts.  It is created by individuals that sing their songs as a story or tale about life. Political views, love, passion, and love of life are celebrated through Music.  The cadence and rhythm of every beat drives its way into the soul of the listener regardless of whether the music is Jazz,  Rock and Roll, Pop, or classical.  Music adds another dimension to our lives, enriches who we are as individuals, and brings light, joy, and happiness to the human experience.


What are the issues in the Music Industry?

Some of the issues in the Music Industry are in the delivery of the music itself.  Much of today’s music is heard first on the internet.  It is hard for artist to protect their intellectual property. Laws about remixes and mixed CD’s are born out of the countless number of law suits being filed. Gone are the days when the big labels had total control over the music and the artist. The originality of many music pieces is in question due to the repetition of melodies that sound surprisingly familiar. Some artists even admit to the usage of another artist’s music within their own pieces but they argue that the way or length of what is being used is not the stealing of intellectual property.  Still, the music industry still manages to produce and sell beautiful and original music.



Beauty is the attraction.



Some music is considered prejudicial and inflammatory.  An example of this type of music would be the music of Pit-bull.  These “artists” songs are about objectifying women and sex.  Women are portrayed as objects for sexual pleasure only.  Violence against women is accepted even heralded as the manly thing to do.  The perpetuation of violence by music that glorifies gang life and gang bangers is a societal problem.  In movies violence sells the same is true about music.  The music industry has seen the murder of some of its most accomplished artists, many others have been incarcerated for drugs and the very lifestyles their music hails as cool.



Much of the music from the past brought spirit and soul to a people and had a little to sing about.  During the “Great Depression” Americans sang song like, “We’re in the Money” World War I and II saw the birth of songs that stirred patriotism such as “The Boogey Woogey Bugle Boy of  Company B”.  The Civil Rights movement was inspired by the spiritual, “We Shall Overcome” and the Vietnam War was protested by folk songs that called for peace.






Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012


Blog 5: Freedom


The Towards Freedom website focuses on different areas.  The three areas that interested me the most was world ethics, the human spirit, and freedom of choice. All people have the right to strive toward freedom.  This includes personal freedom, freedom of country, and freedom from oppression.  The website also has many articles that are reflections on freedom of thought.  In some societies freedom of thought is all of the freedom that people might have. The United States and other countries attempt to police the world by assuring others of their basic human rights but it is difficult to police another for allowing women and children to work in a sweat shop from morning till night fall when our corporations buy their goods. There are many of our celebrities that become involved in the enlightenment of others, freedom of oppressed and the celebrations of World’s diverse cultures.

I noticed a big issue and problem on one certain Article on the Toward Freedom website that I found interesting . The article was called Congo: Two Children May Have Died for Your Mobile Phone.  This article discusses certain issues and the abilities to fight for one’s rights and freedom.  I was appalled that even the young fought for dignity and freedom. Using cell phones to kill young children for their involvement in a quest for justice, peace and freedom of others the other articles were describing different situations but in many ways they were the same.  All of the articles that I read described social injustice.  All described freedom as difficult to obtain and just as difficult to hold onto.  Most of my life I took my liberty and freedom as a God given right.  There were times as a teenager I felt thwarted by a lack of what I considered a lack of freedom.  Through this website I have discovered that I can’t imagine what it means to be without basic human liberties. For example; in some areas of the world women cannot show their face, vote, own property, pick their own husbands or share their own thoughts.  They may not be educated and if they are it is usually to learn to take care of their husbands and children. Freedom has many boundaries are related to color of a person’s skin, gender, or sexual orientation.  The hardest thing to understand is that many of the world’s powerful deny freedom to the world’s weak such as children, the disabled, and the emotionally handicapped.

            In addition to the focus on peace and freedom, in the Towards Freedom website our textbook discusses many different aspects of freedom that are missing in many cultures.  The first freedom the book discusses comes from our own country, in our own discipline of study, and from the educated elite.  When you think of freedom of speech you think that most of us have the right to say what is on our minds.  Many of the academics of journalism and the media feel that you have the right to speak but maybe they are less enthusiastic about listening, reading, or allowing those thoughts to be published unless they come from the ivory towers of academia.  I do believe that many of the uneducated have thoughts about our economy, about poverty, and about the safety of their children from experience.  How many of us actually listen to what they say verbally let alone allowing them to state their views in an open forum.  This in itself is a lack of freedom that has been leveled on the uneducated by the educated.  Interestingly enough it is the uneducated in this situation that is the expert.  Not those who have just read about poverty.

There are other areas of freedom that may be violated depending on which side of the fence you may be on.  Intellectual Property may include not only written works but music as well.  Down loading of another’s intellectual property or music without permission or payment is considered stealing and a crime.  When however, is a mix tape creativity and when is it stealing.  The law is changing rapidly to accommodate the ever growing field of technology.  Unfortunately the law and law makers are playing a game of catch up.  Many of the questions about freedom to listen to what we want to listen to; and how to do it without being accused of a crime, is still being legislated. It sometimes appears that we are over legislating music and cyber print.  The laws are necessary but I believe that we need to be careful that we do not go so far as to threaten our first amendment rights to free speech, press, religion, religion, petition, and assembly.

            Our society makes laws to keep us free.  On the other hand the legislatures of our country make laws that might restrict our freedoms to make sure that we are not restricting the freedoms of others. It is a tricky dance that we play and there are times that it may seem that we are not balanced on one side or the other.  I still believe however that in all of the nations of the world we are the most free and we have the best legal system in place to keep our society free.
Works Cited
Campbell, Richard, Christopher R. Martin, Bettina Fabos, and Richard Campbell. Media & Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002. Print.
"Media For Freedom - News, Articles and Views E-magazine." Media For Freedom - News, Articles and Views E-magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. <>.
"Toward Freedom." Toward Freedom. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. <>.

Monday, September 24, 2012


The issues of Journalism:

Blog 4 Mass Communications


            What is Journalism? Journalism is information, reported verbally or written on events, issues, or views.  This information is conveyed to audiences around the world.  Modern journalism’s purpose is to provide information that allows people to make intelligent decisions about events and issues of the day.  Today we have abandoned that principle.  That seems like a pretty important principle to abandon.  There are some that say that there is just too much information to report.  This may be partially true but it does not explain the entire problem.  Today’s journalists face many problems when attempting to produce pertinent, reliable unbiased information to their audiences. of their own. Not only are there massive amounts of material and information available to all of us the decent journalist has to decide what is important and what is not.  It is not that the amount of information is overwhelming to the audience it is overwhelming to the journalist.

The Journalist not only has to determine what to report but they have to decide who their audience is and what information they need.  Unfortunately Journalist competes for audiences and readers.  Their pieces should not only be relevant to their audience but well written or reported verbally.  The audience requires a reason to read or listen to a journalists report. There is a temptation for the Journalist to measure the entertainment component rather than concentrating on the accuracy and newsworthiness of the piece.  It is because of all of these things that the journalist has such a difficult job.  It is also the reason that Journalism’s primary purpose is no longer to assist the journalism consumer in making decisions. Journalism is a tool and has been a tool that has been used for centuries. However, today, technology brings news almost in real time because of the immediacy of the news journalism and journalists must change to keep up with technology.  It is hard to check facts quickly enough with the pressure of the deadline looming.  

The way that our news is being written is influenced by the new technology available to the media.  Newspapers, Articles, and reports are being set into computerized systems. The old traditions of the reporter who chases down leads on foot are fading as time passes and technology continues to grow.

            The concerns about journalism and its future is discussed  In the film, Part One: Inside The New York Times, an American documentary which gives details explaining the struggles regarding change and the difficulties the media is having with the change.  Modern Journalism now has modified their primary goal to, presenting the news for the good of the public as well as informing the public of important events.  The Journalists position should be to select and develop sources such as: News stories with timeliness and accuracy.  Journalists are expected to write well organized well thought out pieces on a news situations. The goal is to meet the expectations of the audience by delivering a detailed story line. The journalist should also identify critical issues that affect   Journalism and a journalist, The New York Times, reported this documentary, and indicates that Newspapers are disappearing slowing with other types of media taking its place.

 Journalism is changing the internet may take the place of the written newspaper.  This may be the cause of journalists losing their jobs. However we will still receive the News but it will be delivered to through another medium. This medium will still be responsible for presenting to us what Journalists have gathered and written about the world around us.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

OutFoxed: Media

Galina Rolf

Outfoxed: Media

When a breaking news story hits the airways people depend on their news stations to report the story accurately and without bias, so why is the same story reported in so many different ways? The media has a variety of approaches to research, and unfortunately what is reported and how it is reported is sometimes due to the political culture and bias of a particular news station.  Other types of media are influenced by politics, biases, and opinions.  Sitcoms, reality TV, movies, specials, and news broadcasts are all tainted by the views of the creator of the shows, cultural norms and society’s values.

The media affects not only adults but children. Approaches to protect the youth viewing and listening to the media, presents in cycles.  The media will periodically run programs about the violence children are exposed to and the effects that violence has on their development.  Yet more often than not the right to a free press and free speech are hid behind as the rationalization for violent material presented in view of the children. The media plays a big role in society and the development of cultural values.  Media stars are imitated, their words taken as truth, and their opinions accepted as fact. This is evidenced by all of the toys and product, marketed and sold to adults and children that represent their favorite media stars. The viewing and reading public, children and adults as well are not only influenced by what they the media reports but who and how they report it.  The industry has an ethical responsibility to the viewing public.  Many times the media is the self appointed, moral watchdog for the world’s leaders; but who is the moral watch dog for the media? Hopefully the public is astute enough to not be “outfoxed” by any media presenter.

            In addition to the effects media has on the public, a film, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, is a reflection on The Fox News Channel station and other stations that evaluates the false or true messages throughout the media.  The film was a review of the influences and power the news media has on the viewer’s perception of certain areas of the world.  The News colors the viewer’s perception of politics and political leaders in every area of the world.  What the viewer knows about a counties culture is dependent upon how it is represented. What should be believed after viewing the film Outfoxed? What are the objectives that Fox News has adopted in reporting to public audiences?  What are the views of this college student on the fairness of the Fox News Channel?

The Fox News Channel has a responsibility to the viewing public entertain and to give the audiences information, details, and their point of view on society.  Fox News Channel is more conservative in their reports of the news than the mainstream media which is more liberal.  The Fox news channel does allow both the conservatives and the liberal to speak but often times them slant the news toward the conservative.  If we criticize fox news for their conservative view point then we must also criticize CBS, NBC, and ABC for their liberal presentation of the same news.  There have been many programs that have been introduced to the public that advertise the fact that they are totally in the center with their political views “Rock Center” is one.  This program would not have the backing to be produced if there was not a need for the news to be reported more fairly.

Should Fox News be allowed to report the News with a conservative spin? The answer is not a simple one. The Fox News Station is split into three evening shows.  The first two are more news and less opinion.  The third group of shows features conservative talk shows and views presented in a conservative manner.  As a result to this, there is a known fact that when you view The Fox News Channel most of the speakers on the show have Conservative leanings. Also, Fox News is producing both the news and entertainment shows. The Fox Network invites individuals, stars, or political professionals to speak on the show for discussion. In the film and Fox News channel appears to be bias because the later evening talk shows are produced from the conservative point of view.  These shows sacrifice objectivity for entertainment and they do make a great deal of money by producing these conservative talk shows.  Just like the warning on cigarettes Fox and the other news programs should warn and identify clearly what is news, what is opinion, and what is entertainment.

This college student has watched Fox news with her father for years, gleaning important details and information on a variety of subjects   I do think the station is Conservative but still is not any more bias than any of the liberal News Programs.   I believe strongly that Fox News gives both facts and their point of view to their viewers who watch the show.  As a result, Fox News reports facts about certain situations, comments on politics which is extremely important during the elections this year. I believe that it is important to use the filter of common sense when listening to any news program and that when choosing a president the responsible voter should chose many different sources to gain information from including looking at voting records of the two leading candidates. As well as paying a close attention to the vice-presidential candidates. 

            All media is bias because it is based upon the opinions and backgrounds of those reporting the news or creating a show. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, was certainly a bias film, rooted in fact but reported with an anti-Fox slant.  Several weeks ago the fast food chain “Chick-Fil-a was in the news for refusing to open on Sunday and then again for only supporting one man one woman marriages.  Many stations reported this news all with a different spin and bias. As an example of how the world might view the US culture, below I am adding a link to two different slants on this subject.

Produced by the “ Right”

Chick Fil A

Produced by Liberalegg


Galina Rolf
Outfoxed: Media
When a breaking news story hits the airways people depend on their news stations to report the story accurately and without bias, so why is the same story reported in so many different ways? The media has a variety of approaches to research, and unfortunately what is reported and how it is reported is sometimes due to the political culture and bias of a particular news station.  Other types of media are influenced by politics, biases, and opinions.  Sitcoms, reality TV, movies, specials, and news broadcasts are all tainted by the views of the creator of the shows, cultural norms and society’s values.
The media affects not only adults but children. Approaches to protect the youth viewing and listening to the media, presents in cycles.  The media will periodically run programs about the violence children are exposed to and the effects that violence has on their development.  Yet more often than not the right to a free press and free speech are hid behind as the rationalization for violent material presented in view of the children. The media plays a big role in society and the development of cultural values.  Media stars are imitated, their words taken as truth, and their opinions accepted as fact. This is evidenced by all of the toys and product, marketed and sold to adults and children that represent their favorite media stars. The viewing and reading public, children and adults as well are not only influenced by what they the media reports but who and how they report it.  The industry has an ethical responsibility to the viewing public.  Many times the media is the self appointed, moral watchdog for the world’s leaders; but who is the moral watch dog for the media? Hopefully the public is astute enough to not be “outfoxed” by any media presenter.
            In addition to the effects media has on the public, a film, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, is a reflection on The Fox News Channel station and other stations that evaluates the false or true messages throughout the media.  The film was a review of the influences and power the news media has on the viewer’s perception of certain areas of the world.  The News colors the viewer’s perception of politics and political leaders in every area of the world.  What the viewer knows about a counties culture is dependent upon how it is represented. What should be believed after viewing the film Outfoxed? What are the objectives that Fox News has adopted in reporting to public audiences?  What are the views of this college student on the fairness of the Fox News Channel?
The Fox News Channel has a responsibility to the viewing public entertain and to give the audiences information, details, and their point of view on society.  Fox News Channel is more conservative in their reports of the news than the mainstream media which is more liberal.  The Fox news channel does allow both the conservatives and the liberal to speak but often times them slant the news toward the conservative.  If we criticize fox news for their conservative view point then we must also criticize CBS, NBC, and ABC for their liberal presentation of the same news.  There have been many programs that have been introduced to the public that advertise the fact that they are totally in the center with their political views “Rock Center” is one.  This program would not have the backing to be produced if there was not a need for the news to be reported more fairly.
Should Fox News be allowed to report the News with a conservative spin? The answer is not a simple one. The Fox News Station is split into three evening shows.  The first two are more news and less opinion.  The third group of shows features conservative talk shows and views presented in a conservative manner.  As a result to this, there is a known fact that when you view The Fox News Channel most of the speakers on the show have Conservative leanings. Also, Fox News is producing both the news and entertainment shows. The Fox Network invites individuals, stars, or political professionals to speak on the show for discussion. In the film and Fox News channel appears to be bias because the later evening talk shows are produced from the conservative point of view.  These shows sacrifice objectivity for entertainment and they do make a great deal of money by producing these conservative talk shows.  Just like the warning on cigarettes Fox and the other news programs should warn and identify clearly what is news, what is opinion, and what is entertainment.
This college student has watched Fox news with her father for years, gleaning important details and information on a variety of subjects   I do think the station is Conservative but still is not any more bias than any of the liberal News Programs.   I believe strongly that Fox News gives both facts and their point of view to their viewers who watch the show.  As a result, Fox News reports facts about certain situations, comments on politics which is extremely important during the elections this year. I believe that it is important to use the filter of common sense when listening to any news program and that when choosing a president the responsible voter should chose many different sources to gain information from including looking at voting records of the two leading candidates. As well as paying a close attention to the vice-presidential candidates. 
            All media is bias because it is based upon the opinions and backgrounds of those reporting the news or creating a show. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism, was certainly a bias film, rooted in fact but reported with an anti-Fox slant.  Several weeks ago the fast food chain “Chick-Fil-a was in the news for refusing to open on Sunday and then again for only supporting one man one woman marriages.  Many stations reported this news all with a different spin and bias. As an example of how the world might view the US culture, below I am adding a link to two different slants on this subject.
Produced by the “ Right”

Chick Fil A

Produced by Liberalegg