Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The world and communication is changing so rapidly that it is hard to keep up with all of the changes.  We are in an era in which technology is advancing so quickly that it is difficult for the most tech savvy individual to be able to operate every new piece of equipment. In many ways the new technology has provided us with advancements that have made our lives easier, safer, and more prosperous.  In other ways new technology has made communication less personal, easily misunderstood, and fertile ground for thieves and fraudulent activities.  Most of our information is available to anyone who really wants it. Cyber bullying and sexting has been responsible for the suicide of many teens just starting their lives.  However, there are few who would choose to stop the pace of technology.  Few that would live without a cell phone, computer, I pad, or smart T.V. 

The advances that global technoism has granted us are incredible.  In the field of medicine robots are performing surgeries in tandem with the physicians that operate them.  The robotics are more precise than the human hand and are not as likely to make an error that a stray movement of a hand might make.  Laser surgeries require less recuperation than the old fashioned form of cutting and sewing.  The procedures are less invasive because of these advances.  The United States is moving toward digital medical records.  While the medical records will assist physicians in diagnosing, curing, and preventing the administration of medications that might cause and allergic reaction; the digital records may be in violation of the hippa and privacy laws.

       It is clear that not all reap the benefits of these advance medical techniques. Just as there is a cultural divide there is a digital divide. Technology is not available globally in equal amounts.  Many countries have what many may consider an unfair advantage over third world countries.  Just as they do in the cultural divide.  The more technology a country has, the more advanced their media system, the more profitable the technology can be.  What exactly is the digital divide?  Why should we be concerned about it?  First let’s explore the cultural divide within the United States as caused by the Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution in the United States caused two things:

·         Great opportunities for professionals and tradesmen

·         Displacement of rural workers and European Immigrants

There are many nations who are now going through their own Industrial Revolution.  They are experiencing their own cultural divide within their countries.

The Cultural Divide between Nations is Even More Severe

·         Attempting to keep up with other countries people who had been unemployed in less developed nations now have employment.

·         Large corporations and factory owners pay low wages, employ women and children to work long hours in poor conditions.                                                                                                





The Information Age has created a Digital Divide

The “digital divide” is between:

·         Those who have access to the technological tools of the day and are comfortable using them and

·         Those for who technology is an unusual, scary, and alien

The countries that access technology have the advantage.  They will prosper while the countries dependent upon the technologically advanced countries will once again work in poor conditions, for low wages, and long hours.

With our advances in technology we have created a global village but that village is selective as to who actually benefits from cyberspace. Our world is reshaped daily by electronic globalization.  Which changes what our social and cultural globalization looks like.

            Technology has allowed us to solve many problems in our daily lives.  For example:  Gas prices are climbing and with the rise in terrorism travel from country to country is more risky.  Video conferences, Skype, email, and phone conferences give the population an alternative to actual travel.

            The concerns about this same technology and the way that people interact include:

Missing out on casual contact, meeting friends to go to a movie, or going out for dinner often time is replaced by streaming movies at home or playing video games.


            Finally the development of technology has led to the development of Technocapitalism. Which is a combination of:

·         New Technology

·         Corporate Structure

·         Capitalism


Technocapitalism can include the development of new ideas which is called intellectual property.  The courts and legislators work to determine ways to protect the technology developed by inventors, authors and artists.  Protecting the intellectual property of today is becoming more and more important to corporate leaders who wish to profit from their ideas.  The corporation is growing stronger and stronger and could possibly be the governing body of the future.  The problem is with the rise of Technocapitalism the inequities between countries that have the latest technology and those that do not are even more pronounced.  It is diametrically opposed to democracy and widens the gap between those who have and those who do not.

            If we truly care about globalization and other nations rich and poor.  We ethically must watch out for our underdeveloped brother and sister nations.  These nations still have rich cultural heritages which with or without technology are important and worth learning.  The corporations and business owners should not be allowed to build their wealth on the backs of women and children just because they are so technologically savvy.  Although global communications is changing the one thing that should not change is the fight to bring a more equitable global community.

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