An example of the ever changing web is Web 2.0. The term Web 2.0 was coined in 1999 to describe web sites that use technology beyond the plain one dimensional page of earlier web sites. Although Web 2.0 suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to the web and how it technically operates, but rather to the overall changes in the ways software developers and users of the web use the internet. Prior to the internet, communication pretty easy to identify and describe. This is not the case now. There are so many different faces of communication for example: if you are on a virtual reality site like Second Life and you become involved in many of the Second Life communities are you still communicating even though you are communicating through an avatar? Should it matter that you are communicating as someone else or are you at the core you even though your voice is that of an avatar. These are new challenges that the field of communication has to sort through in order to get the answer.
There is also resistance vs. participation. Since the web is fastly growing as the place to advertise there are people who see the web as primarily the media for displaying their products. These consumers can be described as displaying resistance or participation. Politics can also be described as resistance vs. participation. We know that we are resistant to a dominant power. Instead, we wish to participate in our own governing. The same goes for marketing we are not crazy about corporations marketing at us instead we would like to participate in the marketing.
Audiences are produced through measurement and observation while publics direct attention onto messages that they like. The difference of these terms may be distinguished between”fans” who are people who have a relationship between media groups and fandoms who are parts of larger and more diverse media groups.
Participation vs. Collaboration is also represents people attempting a place to find a place for themselves between occupying a position of resistance and actively complying with a dominant power. Many feel that they need to evaluate carefully both of these positions. Active participation may not be ethically or morally what the average individual feels he or she can endorse. Collaboration suggests that the action is more underhanded and sneaky.
Participation vs. Collaboration is also represents people attempting a place to find a place for themselves between occupying a position of resistance and actively complying with a dominant power. Many feel that they need to evaluate carefully both of these positions. Active participation may not be ethically or morally what the average individual feels he or she can endorse. Collaboration suggests that the action is more underhanded and sneaky.
There are also concerns around Web 2.0 regarding hearing vs. listening. Listening intimates that the person not only reads or hears what the author is saying but he or she actually listens to comprehend the authors intent. Hearing is actually hearing the words but not looking for the meaning that wood promote actual communication. The hearer would be nonactive while the listener would certainly be active.
The web and all of its various components has changed our lives forever. It continues to change our lives and our ways of communicating with each other. As we continue to evolve in our endeavor to communicate efficiently and personally we also evolve in our ability to label what communication is and how we describe it.
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